Thanks Kent and Noel. I'll try to answer the questions in order.

My interface is a Focusrite 2i2 with the latest drivers.

Windows 10 pro 1709 16299.125
I know I'm a few updates behind but just don't want to risk problems with my music machine.

Intel core i7 6700k CPU @ 4.00GHz 4.01 GHz

16 gig memory. No memory is shared for graphics. Card has its own memory.

BIAB version is 2018 (516)
My audio driver is ASIO.

As a side note my DAW is Cubase pro 9. I haven't experienced any problems other than known bugs.

I also used Sweetwater's "how optimize Windows 10" instructions when I first got my computer last fall. Took care of some random audio dropout issues.

I've had this issue with tempo changes in BIAB since I bought it last December. Like I said, changing the setting to disable fast generation has reduced the issue to a click on each tempo change but certainly would be nice to have no artifacts if possible.

I'll repeat that there is nothing noticeable on a export, only playback in BIAB.

Thanks for your time!

Focusrite 2i2 2nd Gen
Windows 10 pro 1709 16299.125
Intel core i7 6700k CPU @ 4.00GHz 4.01 GHz
16 gig memory
BIAB UltraPak version is 2023 (Latest)
Cubase pro 9