Hmn, for me I would have to say Lost in Paradise by Evanescence, Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey, Sick of Losing Soulmates by Dodie, and Hymn for the missing by Red are up there on my list of "these are so depressing, but I adore them" songs.

Hymn for the Missing:
Lost in Paradise:
Dark Paradise:
Sick of Losing Soulmates:

Just incase anyone is interested. grin I'm not a huge fan of Lana Del Rey personally, with few exceptions. Dark Paradise was the first song I ever heard by her, and it was shortly after the loss of a significant other who I had been courting for 10 years. I won't go in to details, but I really resonated with that particular song and latched on to it for a few years. I made all sorts of abstract art pieces late in to the night listening to that particular song, just to vent and get things out of my system. It had almost become like a nightly ritual. So it has a pretty secured spot in my heart when it comes to music in general. Hymn for the Missing was another one of those songs.

I have a tendency to listen to pretty angsty or melancholic music, haha.
