Originally Posted By: Tobias
I'm going to start doing this more often with the whole mix.
When mixing my own voice/vocal I often use a reference vocalist. Is that too far off topic?
It's usually Alan Jackson or Ronnie Dunn for my lower and mid registers and Phil Vassar for my higher register. I'm not saying I sound like either of them but I try to eq and compress my voice to be similar because I sing a lot of country now. I simply bounce back and forth between various songs of theirs on youtube and my own track. I don't think it comes out like theirs in the end but I think it helps me to not sound too cold or thin.
I also try to imitate what "I imagine" they are doing during recording as far as mic technique and expression, controlling siblance, pops, breath, distance, movement and things like that.

This is perfectly "on topic" smile

I love your list of vocal references! All excellent choices. (Phil was friends with a friend of mine - saw him at the Bluebird a couple of times. A really nice guy.)