Oh come on HTL, show some guts man. Give us your real professional opinion.

Don't be politically correct.

Lay it on us man.

What was the difference between those those sets brother?

You're a producer, drummer, maestro. Tell us what it is bro.


*** Edit

HTL....someone just pinged me and said I was being sarcastic so I am editing.

I was trying to be funny.

Ok, let me start over, if I were to compare the two lists I would say:

Hmmmmmmmm. Because 1998 has chords and interesting drums and famous musicians playing instruments and the other was doesn't have anything musical at all????

But then I would get crucified and all, so I didn't say it and I was hoping you would take the heat for me but I guess that was selfish of me.

Last edited by David Snyder; 06/29/18 07:45 AM. Reason: humor clarification