Originally Posted By: Al-David
I've been a lead guitarist for over 50 years.

I have an unusual habit, I guess you could call it. Before my wife's health deteriorated so horribly bad, we used to dance a lot. On slow songs, I would form the fingering pattern for the chords of the song on her back with my left hand. Everytime the song we were dancing to changed chords, I'd move my fingers on the back of her shoulder to emulate that new chord. I never realized I did that until she pointed it out to me. I guess that's a bit unusual.

I've actually heard of similar things from other guitarists and trumpet players.

PS: HTL - I'm not a drummer but I sometimes find myself playing the air drums on songs with a strong rhythm or that are percussion based. If nothing else, it makes the drivers in the cars near me wonder which issues I've been diagnosed with!

I've seen that in other vehicles! Maybe it was you? wink

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.