Thank you very much! The updated acoustic strumming guitars and fingerpicking guitars are marvelous improvements, with greater sensitivity to chord changes, chord types, and rhythmic nuances (pushes). As you and co. continue to push the envelope, I wish you continued good fortune, and hope that musical fundamentals in new instruments stay safeguarded, like trying to manage volume levels to ensure decent ensemble mixes (the acoustic guitars sound recorded at lower volumes, and I have to boost them to hear them well, and fully appreciate them,), and intonation ( I hear an electric bass that's a bit sharp, I fear.), and maybe "coloration" or timbre (the metal guitar is a bit overprocessed to my Mesa Boogie tuned ears, though the label "wild" serves as fair warning). I'd love to see a sax at lower bpm, maybe 65 for ballad soloing, and am enjoying the new ones which are just hotter than ever, and all between 100 & 140 bpm. All in all, if I can manage my limited disk space (80 gig on my laptop performing platform) with all the updates I'll be more than happy. I'll be creative, and performing more, and giving more away performing for causes and concerns in fund raisers and celebrations. Thanks again to you and your very helpful staff for helping me turn a corner on all the new updates, including help from Nancy and Andrew.

"Gettin' a life."

music at