Hello OCC,

ASIO Drivers generally come from your Audio Interface, or sound card. Typically when first installing Band-in-a-Box, upon launch it will scan for your drivers. It is letting you know that it is not detecting an ASIO driver, which you may not be if you are using the standard Windows MME driver.

There are generic ASIO drivers for those looking for a lower latency for recording that do not have a Audio Interface. If you are not doing any recording in Band-in-a-Box, you may not need a low latency driver.

For general MIDI/ Audio support, I would highly advise you come onto the live chat or call Technical Support as there is a few things we would go over with you.

In the meantime, here is the 2016 FAQ that goes over setup and common issues:


Here is our contact information if you would like for us to help you over the phone:


C-sharp when you cross the street… or you’re going to B-flat.

Mikke - PG Music