Fun song! I liked the arrangement - the guitars sound great!

I hope you don't mind, here's the (slightly edited) translation from Google Translate:

Chorus: The Lorikeet, the Lorikeet.

1) If you are curious, you have to look.
Who can hide under this very mysterious name,
under this very mysterious name?

2) He makes noise, this great amateur
Who loves flower nectar and fruits,
who also loves fruits.

3) His plumage is beautiful and very colorful.
In the heart of the forests, he flies while doing his show,
he's flying while doing his show.

4) Have you flushed him out, this very original funny animal?
It's a little parrot,
It's a little parrot.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?