If you want a board with "good" sounds built in be prepared to upwards of $1000 or so. Otherwise, If you want to stick with the software synths and RealTracks all yo really need is a good controller keyboard to input/record/edit midi. I have a Roland JUNO GI but mostly only use it to input midi. Or I simply use a iRig Keys37 for quick and simple stuff. Most of my sounds are coming from RealTracks, SampleTank and a few software synths. Selecting sounds on the JUNO and assigning midi Program Changes per track to get my DAW to play the JUNO for me and such only slowed down my creativity. I get a lot more done by keeping it simple and working inside the box.
Decent controller keyboards are what,. . . $100 - $300?

Does the noise in your head bother me ?