Hi all

Thanks for trying to help but I still have problems with all this.
Tried all methods above but none work completely .
Sooner or later a finish up with the tracks where I want them but cant hear them.

My last attempt got my midi track on to the audio track by importing a single rendered wave of it,to the audio track, test solo play back and yes the audio plays at the correct bars.
Un solo, timing good with original source track that I still have in the song as midi.

Now I would like to use the audio track again.
Tried just importing a different single rendered wave but this removed the one on there got no option to merge so it over wrote ,

Next tried again but decided to move audio to a performance track, as in audio menu.
Had a choice of wma or wave and chose to use the soloist track as the destination.
All looked fine by the track labels that came up, BUT THE TRACK WAS SILENT
If I move it back to the audio track it plays fine again but not as a performance track.
Going round in ever decreasing circles now this is where I came in on the first post.
Got me beat.

BIAB2021 UltraPlus,AsusN55S1Tbssd, W10/64,Akai EIEpro
Yamaha CVP405,SquireStrat, CoolsoftVMidSynth
Novatation Impulse61 Ctr kbd, Cwalk blab Kontakt
