Originally Posted By: DeaconBlues09
Originally Posted By: drutgat
Hi Deacon,
Many thanks for that information - it is very useful.

I had anticipated that things would move fully to 64 bit at some point, but have not really done any tracking for about a year so I am out of the loop, so to speak.

Talking of different time zones, I have again been up all night, so must get some sleep. It is early here in the EST time zone.\

Thanks again.

Wow, you must be a night owl, insomniac, or both! Before you joined the forum, when it's morning where I live (Israel), it's pretty much only the Aussies and Brits I see hanging out here in the English-language forums. :-)

Yup, a bit of both, but especially a night owl. From Monday to Tuesday I stayed up for over 24 hours, and I did my usual of staying up last night through the night.

There is just too much to do...all of it to do with music.

I really do function best at night.

"If The Beatles or the 60's had a message, it was 'Learn to swim'. And once you've learned - swim!"
John Lennon