Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Oh yeah...THE blues!

The back story and the write are cool

The vocal and guitar performances are cool

The video is cool

A lot of coolness here cool

We like it...a lot!!!!


PS Odd about that RD. I don't often use styles but when I do, as I expect everybody does, I always take any reverb off each track, any "tone" off, set the pan to zero and turned the volume all the way up...and then render them for my DAW. I'll check that RD and see if it behaves with BiaB.

Dear Janice, dear Bud,

and your comments are aslo VERY cool - thanks an awful lot for your nice words which were the first ones I read on this (otherwise very dusky) Sunday morning. Couldn't think of any better start for a Sunday...

As to the drums thing: You might have noticed that I prefer to write my own drum part, whenever this is possible. The main reasin for this is that I can customize the fills, but also because Maha has full volume control over every single instrument. But it's hard to write a rollicking Texas shuffle in MIDI, so with this song I tried some of the RealDrum tracks.

When I get going I use BIAB for the mere structure of the song and, of course, for finding the appropriate style. As soon as I think this might be roughly OK, I import the BIAB song to RB which, by the way, is the only DAW we use, because we get along with it and, most of all, because the GUI is BIG.

So the single tracks come in 'clean' and apart from some normalizing they always stay that way until the song is complete and Maha takes over for EQing, panning and mixing.

In the process of editing the songs I very often replace single tracks at a later stage. Since I had never thought that somebody might be interested in how I put my songs together I never kept the long track captions that appear when you generate a new track, but replaced them by 'Drums', Bass' and so on. That's why I can't figure out which RD I finally used with this song. (Now that I'm active in this forum I changed that habit, of course!)

But whatever RD style I used: The stereo track is definitely panned to zero and we seem to have accepted that 'list', because we must have liked the rollicking drive of it.

And I'm aware of the fact that this is not the best song I've written and produced so far anyway, so I can live with that flaw pretty well.

Thanks again so much for listening, watching and commenting so kindly and have a great week.

All the best,
