Originally Posted By: Words
Hello All

I am a songwriter i am in search of artist to record my songs. Most of the artist i come across in my opionion is a waste of my time one minute they want to pursue music the next they not sure.

Well anyway i have several reference songs recorded and i thought to post them on my social media page to promote my writing Do you thik artist will want to use my songs even though its been heard by my followers on social media?

Welcome. Are you using Band in a Box in your recording process?

Songwriting, artists, and the brass ring. It sounds like most of the artists you know are not actually artists. Musical artists are driven with a passion for the music.

So the question is... can you post songs and still plug them. Yep. A great song is a great song and it doesn't matter who recorded it before or who's heard it. If the artist likes it, none of that matters. they can and will record it. Just look at the list of big names who covered songs done already by someone else.

Copyright? Unless you are writing killer songs, and likely have a few hits, no one is out there looking to steal your songs. If you've ever tried to get them to the hands of a nashville or LA based artist, you know exactly what I'm talking about when I say they don't even want to listen to your song let alone steal it.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 02/03/19 10:24 AM.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.