Fast Boot was active in my ASUS BIOS, and switching it off did not help.

Fast Startup was already off in Power management (Windows 10 x64 1803).

What i think i need is some registry tweak for this Fresco Logic (SONNET) card.
I start to think it has to do with my Graphics card, AMD Radeon R7 360. I'll revert to older drivers and see what happens.
These AMD freaks seem to think they must do everything to please gamers.

PS I've been using Ccleaner for years, the only reg cleaner that never destroyed my Windows installation like so may others i tried in the past.

ADDED INFO: SOLVED. Deinstalled the Fresco Logic drivers and software. Now it runs on Microsoft's own Windows USB 3.0 drivers.
BINGO, it remembers the power management settings LoL.