For the record...if you know how to make three chords on a guitar, you already know a little "theory". Knowing a little more is akin to knowing a few more than three chords. Nobody should let "theory" scare them, no matter where they are. I'm barely conversant in it and have to look up the specifics of most of what little I am a bit familiar with in general. BIAB is a wonderful tool to learn on (though I still wish some common music-theory aides were built into the program). Some of my latest stuff started with "experiments" in theory I picked-up, and the guy who makes these videos has been my primary "teacher". Kick him a buck a month if you can't afford more.

BIAB 2021 Audiophile. Windows 10 64bit. Songwriter, lyricist, composer(?) loving all styles. Some pre-BIAB music from Farfetched Tangmo Band's first CD.