Stunning. It's late here and I should be in bed, but I saw this post and just had to listen. I may comment in depth in the morning, but, for now, let me just say this ...

Tears in my eyes. Beautiful. Stunning. So moving.

One thing ... can you at all post the lyrics by any chance? They sound so, so beautiful and I'd love to be able to read them as well as listen, if possible ... only if possible.

Thank you so much for posting this. I will listen again in the morning, but ... this is definitely one of the very best I've heard you post on here.

EDIT: it's now morning and I've listened again. Tears in my eyes - beautiful. A classic of its kind. Can't praise it enough and don't know how to. Well done to both of you.

Last edited by musician17; 09/29/19 08:54 PM.