I'm very much in favour of decluttering, dockable toolbars, more scroll options, better menus and colour co-ordination etc. The melodist and soloist screens are good cases in point. These are really difficult to look at and could have clearer headings leading your eye into different groups of functions.

The point about BIAB's limited arrangement functions being more important then the GUI is well made. The decision to go down the route of audio realism disguises the lack of development in the program's core midi functionality.

For example a lot could be done to improve the style editor including
..longer pattern sequences (why only two bars). Its not only in modal jazz tunes that musicians think in these longer sequences.
..more than one dedicated pattern chain
..global note mapping for altering voicings
..better and more varied chord masks
..abilty to determine what scales the chords are embellished by

Chord options could have
...a funtion to determine the direction (up or down) of the outer voices (bass and top note of chord) in relation to the previous chord.
...An option to include the alternate bass note in the piano voicing as is available in other auto accompaniment programs.

The option to allow/disallow embellishments in settings for this song should actually work and not be overriden by the command in the style editor.

Realism issues could be addressed by upping the resolution of the midi, allowing 8th resolution chords shots and holds that actually sound as 8ths.

i haven't even begun to mention the everyday commands such as the (in)ability to cut and paste on the chord sheet!! ... come on guys!! the lack of multiple undos. the inability to drag more than one note to a new location in the style maker......

These are just a few of the things BIAB could and should focus on imo.

After all just how many real tracks and real drums can you come out with at any one time relative to all the styles that exist in midi?

