This is one of those songs that I can't tell you where it places with me; all I know is I really like it. I don't mean places, as in 1st, 2nd...but more along the lines of genre. Honestly, I don't care. Great is great.

I could almost have seen this being a Stevie Nicks/Tom Petty song. Again, it's not necessarily in their genres; but they went for great and this song has it.

That being said, you two sound fantastic on it! Which is a REAL testament to all THREE of you! It's very easy to listen to this and completely forget that the two of you aren't actually singing together OR even on the exact same equipment! That shows a certain recording prowess that says it all.

The arrangement it subtly doing so many things to keep you engaged without being obnoxious...or probably even obvious. But it is SO there! I can't tell you the appreciation I have for that!

The mood hits me perfectly. Great melodic and supporting choices. I really love the grove and how it's played with. To sing with groove is something that is often over looked AND rather difficult to do. The builds with tension and releases from not only the harmonic content but the choice of what when is so great to hear.

...and it's now stuck in my head! It's a happy stuck though. wink

You three are retired? When's the tour? smile

Last edited by HearToLearn; 12/04/19 01:30 PM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.