Originally Posted By: rayc
This is VERY cool but not as cool as hearing the other part of your voice. Have you heard/listened to Richard Clapton? he's an Australian rocker who spent a lot of time in Berlin in the 70s. His gentler stuff is very similar vocally....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC40QqfcLfM
Your guitar playing is/was perfect for the track - and a nice bit of "woman tone" too.
Cool, lovely, emotive and a great testament to your love.

Hi Ray,

first of all thanks a lot for your kind words on the tune.

Richard Clapton? Never heard of him before. Which turned out to be a pity because there wasn't one song among those I listened to after your recommendation that didn't appeal to me a lot.

Can't really judge wether or not our voices have anything in common, but if that was so, that's really nothing I would complain about cool

Wishing you Merry Christmas and all the best for 2020,


PS: After I had seen a couple of his videos I really had to make sure that my wigs collection was still complete...