Hello, 'Bruce B'...

You sure got a unified sound and feel out of such an eclectic mix of Real Track instruments! Kind of a rollicking, upbeat bluegrass ambience. Some of your chord changes surprised and delighted me with the musical colors they revealed.

Your truly unique voice added 'character' to your song. It's a well-worn, seasoned, weathered voice that suggests it could belong to a man who's always kept his fists up and ready for a fight, rarely letting his guard down. Even if that's not true of you personally, the lyrics benefitted from the vocal imprint you left on them.

Maybe you could post the lyrics, too? I think they deserve a closer reading smile !!!


LOREN (a.k.a. 'bluage')

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".