Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hi Greg,

yes, these are terrible times and of course you are right: We're all more or less old farts here on the forum, and we'll have to ve especially careful, if we want to stay forum members after that desaster.

Over here still thousands of idiots acting like they are invulnerable, but those Florida spring break pictures we could (had to) see on TV showed once again that stupidity knows no borders.

So instead of hauling this old body to a nice and sunny, but probably deadly place I dreamt away with your wonderful song. Loved evrything about it, especially your vox!

Luckily us BIABers don't even know the word 'boredom', so this involuntary cocooning is much easier to bear...

This goes to all of you friends: Act wisely and please stay healthy.

All the best to all of you and yours,


Thanks Stefan! You stay safe! Take care. Greg