Ever since lockdown started, I've stepped a little back from writing music. Too many things going on at once to have the peace to sit down and write properly.

That said, tonight was different ... so here's something new, which I hope you may enjoy! Thank you, as always, for listening and for any comments and feedback! Please stay well and safe!



I know it's dark outside
But, baby, hold my hand;
For I am all alone
In this strange, foreign land.

I know that you are scared,
But, baby, so am I;
You know it is too soon
For what we have to die.

So stay here as I fight
This one more fight I have;
If anything will help
It is your sincere love.

And, as I breathe, stand by
To hold me - oh what bliss
It is to be in your arms
And feel your one more kiss.

And as the dawn arrives
And saved we are once more
I owe it all to you
And nothing's as before.

So stay here as I fight
This fight just one more time;
And then, once it's all done
Forever ... and ever ... you'll be mine.

****** Song Summary *************
Title: Song - 2 May 2020
File:Song - 2 May 2020.SGU
Key=E , Tempo 60, Length (m:s)=3:28
No intro. 48 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 48. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _NEBULA.STY (Nebula Modern Country Pop Ballad)

RealTracks in style: 1592:Bass, Electric, Pop16ths Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 3101:Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsMike Ev16 060
RealTracks in style: 3160:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsBrent Ev16 060
RealTracks in style: 2542:Pedal Steel, Background ModernBalladAtmosphere Ev16 065
RealDrums [in style:BluesRockSlowEv^3-a:SideStick , b:Snare, Ride
