Thanks for the tip! Much appreciated.

I updated the guide below for others who may be trying to find the solution for themselves too.

1. Download and extract Shell2vst64.exe from
2. Copy Shell2vst64.exe to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\WaveShells V11 folder.
3. Drag all WaveShell(x)-VST 11.0_x64.dll files [where (x) is a number] onto Shell2vst64.exe. This will create the VST DLLs onto a subfolder called "Waves".
4. Copy all the DLLs that were created to C:\Program Files\VstPlugins.
5. Reinstall jBridge.
Note for users (who may have skipped this info): RealBand at this time is still 32bit so jBridge is necessary for 64bit VSTs can run inside a 32bit DAW.

This has worked for me.

Best regards
