Originally Posted By: dcuny
Nicely done! I thought the chord changes did a good job supporting the lyric, and the enjoyed the lyrics.

I'd use "in" in this line:

I begged you to come home but it was in vain.

despite what the dictionary says. wink

Glad you managed to translate this!

Thanks David for your kind feedback, always pleasure to hear that my chord changes work smile I had 'in vain' there at some point, but it didn't fit the melody line, so I tried to express the idea differently, but obviously not smoothly. But thanks for pointing me out and giving me a reason to revisit that part, although I just can't add 'in' there, would break the melody flow, so I have to remove other words to make room for it... now I have come up with another line: I begged you to come back home but in vain. Hope that sounds better smile


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