A Band-in-a-Box 2010 Build 295 update patch is available:
Band-in-a-Box for Windows updates

Improved: TempoSwapping Improved:
- There is an additional option to replace the current RealTracks selections with similar ones that would work better at the current tempo. This is an option available by pressing the Realtracks Toolbar button- Select Better RealTracks.
- Yellow Message now appears if RealTracks are selected, but better RealTracks are available for the current tempo. (this message can be disabled in Prefs-RealTracks)
- RealTracks button on the toolbar now shows a menu, RealTracks picker, RealTracks Prefs, and Select Better RealTracks for this tempo.

Changed: Half Time/ Double Time changed
- The option to automatically half/double time realtrack has been removed, and replaced with a manual option, so the user has control over when/how Realtracks would be halfTimed/Double timed. The previous method of "automatic half/double time" of RealTracks caused some problems, because people wouldn't know when the RealTracks were going to be half/double timed.
To do this, visit the RealTracks assign Dialog, and use the new comboBox called "TimeBase", and set that to Normal (Default) / Half-Time / Double-Time.

Improved: Drag Drop improved.
- The feature to Drag and Drop tracks from BB to DAW sequencers has been improved. Some DAWs (Ableton, Nuendo) don't yet support direct drag/drop of tracks that aren't generated yet. So a DragDrop panel has been added to the top left of the screen. This allows you to Drag n Drop to these sequencers in 2-steps. First drag to the DragDrop panel, then when it turns green, drag/drop from the panel to your AW (Ableton, Nuendo). Note that for other sequencers (RealBand, Sonar) and Windows Explorer, you can still DragDrop directly from the track to the DAW in 1-step.

Fixed: Edit - Undo. In certain situations after a delete chord command, edit-undo stopped working.

Fixed: Nashville Notation - can now enter 'flat 3', flat 6 etc. chords - type 3bm7 for Flat 3 minor 7th.

Last edited by Andrew - PG Music; 02/22/10 04:03 PM.