Originally Posted By: CaptainMoto
I like this song.
Nice lyrics.

If you're interested in and opportunities for improvement:
I'd say the Helicon harmonies is a little heavy handed.
You've got a nice voice, the harmony is detracting form its natural purity.

I`m always open to improvement suggestions,Captain!
My intro might have included; this song is for my wife on our anniversary. She listens mostly to Thai pop music where vocals are usually processed for a very smooth ( some would say, artificial, sound). The automated harmony I used gives my gift a little of that sheen to my hearing- I understand others prefer a more natural vocal.

Originally Posted By: Tano Music
Your textures -- both music side and lyric side -- are always so interesting! You take far different paths than I would normally choose, and I find that really intriguing, and pleasurable as well.

Loved "no sand in a pearl"..but all your analogies are great.

Overall, very glad I listened because I both enjoyed it and learned as well.

That`s very kind - I`m happy to have surprised as well as entertained.
