I understand that being able to own and carry guns means a lot to a large number of US citizens (and citizens of other countries where gun ownership is common). Since I don't have the insights in the reasons why these people want to own guns or feel the need to, I cannot be pro or con gun laws. So I remain neutral in this

Having said that: I wondered if one is required to do some kind of exam or skill proof to get a gun permit. Do you have to keep your skills up to standard? Or can you get a permit, buy a gun and that's it?
Here one can get a permit and buy a gun if one is a member of a shooting club for at least one year. Then in order to keep the permit valid one has to visit the firing range and shoot the weapon at least 18 times a year. Guns may be stored at home, but in a locker. Ammo needs to be stored separate from the gun.

My personal view: guns and chainsaws are dang dangerous when handled by people who don't know one end from the other.