Well, the United States is still a Federal Republic, which means that we don't have a national police force, as some countries do. Of course we have the FBI, BATF, DEA, etc. which have nation-wide jurisdiction where the US national interests are concerned. The various States have their own set of laws concerning many areas, and the ownership and possession of firearms is one of those areas. Note, however, that with the reccent SCOTUS decision on the 2nd amendment, these various state laws will be and are being challenged, as Federal law does trump State law in almost all instances.

If the Constitution grants 'the people' of the United States a right, no State or Federal requirement can be imposed which would unduly limit that right, or which would charge a fee for that right. You cannot charge people a 'poll tax' for example, as voting is a protected right. Likewise, you cannot force a citizen to pay for the right to possess a firearm. Contrary to what people believe, there is no centralized database of gun owners in the Unites States.

Driving a vehicle on the public roads, and hunting are examples of privileges for which charges can be levied, but neither the States nor the Federal government can charge for any right under the US Constitution. A citizen in good standing cannot be charged a fee to own a legal firearm. Other fees may apply, like the current pivilege of carrying a concealed weapon, but some of these are now in doubt due to the Courts recent findings.

Let me note that I have homeowner's insurance, even though it is very unlikely that my house will be clobbered by a fire or tornado or robbers. Likewise, I have auto insurance even though I don't anticipate being in an accident, etc. I have many other insurance policies also [very expensive, BTW]. I have various firearms even though I don't anticipate me or my family being attacked, or our own government trashing the Constitution, etc. It's always better to be safe than sorry. There are some very bad people in the world who are not in jail [yet] so I take my responsibility to protect my family, my Country, and my property seriously enough to own firearms. I hope I never have to use those weapons in anger or in deadly defence, but they are there if the situation warrants.

Aside from that, I admire a fine piece of machinery, as there is great beauty in functional form, and I do like to shoot.

Fire, the wheel, and the I IV V -- foundations of civilization.