Nothing clear about that. New York is stupid? We have a Charter of Rights, and it's for the whole country. Not just parts.

I'm and confused on that issue.

The other caveat is if you advertise that you need a handgun to be safe, where will the billions in tourism dollars go when everyone finds out they are unsafe? It can end up that no one visits, out of fear.

That conflicts me, and many of my friends. We venture about 10 miles in and head home with a few things that are cheaper.

Nothing we like better than a bargain, even a 29 cent per pound turkey.

Until the National Guard started standing at the northern crossings in fatigues and helmets and auto weapons. Scared me.

With 1 Billion bucks in trade PER DAY between us an you, we need a better way to explain why we are ALL treated like the enemy.

My Band quit the 12 gigs a year on parade in Michigan, sometimes it was 3 hours at the border.

The Chicago Tribune said the biggest menace at the Canadian Border was the Drug Trade. Americans buying cheap arthritis medicine and importing it. I can attest to that, there are bus loads of Americans at our malls every day, buying drugs made in the US and at 1/4 the price. Most are African Americans, and I always talk to them, nice folks, and very happy to save several hundred bucks a month on their medications.

In Canadian dollars I take 900 bucks worth of pills a month, paid for by the Fire department plan, until I turn 65 and then it's going to cost me 3.99 a prescription to fill 3 months worth. That will be about 30 bucks a month...but that's squat compared to the 3 pensions I get.

And there are a lot of countries with better plans than us. In France you call a number and a doctor shows up in an emergency car within 30 minutes and treats you. Oh wait, a loser nation, where you get 5 weeks of paid vacation if you work at McDonald's.

And my Mom's family is the original McDonald's of the Isles and they sent us here. Hm...

John Conley
Musica est vita