I don't think that citizens gun ownership will have a huge effect on crime-rates. More guns will not automatically lead to more crime (or less crime for that matter). However the more citizens own guns, the more likely shooting accidents will appear. (More cars on the road, greater chance of an accident)

So there have to be other factors that affect crime-rates. Every place (city, country, state, whatever) has its own triggers for people to chose to commit crimes. Think about factors like poverty, lack of education, lack of "home" (loving and caring parents), lack of chances of improvement, social pressure from groups (gangs), addiction to drugs, alcohol or whatever, etc. And of course there are some people that will never do a descent days worth of work , but will resort to crime whatever the circumstances.

Don't get me wrong here: Everyone who commits a crime CHOSES to do so, no matter what the background of that person may be.

Getting crime-rates down will have to involve law enforcement, suited punishment and creating a situation where people are less likely to turn to crime.
Improving the social situation and cleaning up when you are dealing with violent gangs (who benefit by the current situation) will require a very large and hard broom...