
There are aspects of the abuse of our system that smack of oligarchy. I don't think you can blame the supreme court when someone else passes a bill then forces the case ..

I do know what you are talking about. It is abuse of the system by those 'entitled' bass-tirds in Washington..
luckily some of the worst ones are getting old and dying off. If it weren't for that they would never leave.

I don't BLAME the supreme court.. my contention is that for the power they exercise, there is virtually no system of checks and balances on them, apart from the natural balance of opinions in the group (and that is always subject to manipulation, as in magistrates of a certain ilk waiting until their party is in power before they retire). To my way of thinking, that's neither enough balance nor enough control. Small groups can become homogenized in their thinking too easily. They can also be swayed by special interest groups.

Its a few people with absolute control to enforce their personal opinions, and nobody can do anything about it. We can't vote them out if we don't like their opinions. They can't be removed from the office by anybody that I am aware of.