regarding profiling:

we know from history that just about any group can suffer dramatically when the society they live in turns against them. People have been massacred because of religion, political opinion, race, excessive wealth, excessive poverty.. you name it.. if somebody doesn't like you and they can convince enough people you're the problem, you can be demonized and persecuted.

This discussion reminds me of the scene in SONG OF THE SOUTH where Bre'r rabbit tells Bre'r bear "Don't throw me in the briar patch!", knowing full well that he would do exactly that if he thought that's what the rabbit DIDN'T want.

I'm concerned that when the rules about profiling change (and they will), it will be presented as though the bear is just doing what the rabbit asked for, but in fact the rabbit is a special interest who is manipulating the bear to make a decision the rabbit wanted all along.

I think the end result will be less fairness and more persecution (because the people ASKED for it, doncha know). And I think when this happens, we may be surprised (maybe not) who ends up in the demonized group.