As usual, the so-called main stream news media has perverted the Coulter incident by way of data omission. Here's the truth:

"when asked by a seventeen-year-old Muslim student at the University of Western Ontario last Monday, "[S]ince I don't have a magic carpet, what other modes [of transportation] do you suggest," Coulter responded, "Take a camel."

What the Coulter-hating media ignored is that she spent almost two full minutes giving a rather thoughtful, fact-based answer to the first, more serious part of Fatima Al-Dhaher's question, and was badgered by others in the crowd who clearly didn't like her response.

At that point, Coulter heckled the hecklers."

As I've stated, I'm not a big fan of Ann Coulter. She uses provocative and often insulting language to make her points. Of course, some countries have laws about hurting people's feelings and those countries are quick to condemn some folks while allowing hate-filled speech by others. In any event, this incident is all recorded on video, so we can all check it out and decide for ourselves.

There is a strong flow of ideas and opinions in the US, and I completely agree that these ideas, and the speech about them, needs protecting, as did the Founding Fathers, who really didn't like folks being imprisoned or executed for saying some derogatory words about King George, etc.

Fire, the wheel, and the I IV V -- foundations of civilization.