
If being created equal means "without sin", then I agree with you, but what about the "Original Sin" that some churches preach. Is that a gimmick to make sure you join?

Absolutely not.

It is merely understanding what Jesus taught, that we are *all* born in sin.

Ever raise a two year old?

The loving and caring parents don't spend their time saying, "YES, Johnny, YES Johnny" when raising the two year old.

NO Johnny!


All that aside, how I understand "mandate equality" has nothing to do with sins, but rather with racial and religious equality, equality between the sexes such as "same pay for the same job etc.". A lot has been accomplished world wide on these matters, but there is still a long way to go.

Such as in, "world wide domination"?

"Same pay for same job" is a negotiable and should not be a mandate for the simple reason that every historical example we have of such attempts have resulted in abject failure, not to mention death and suffering for millions.

The problems you wish to address are all caused by our sins and our sinning.

And that is because we are all born in sin.


As far as leveling the playing field goes, this will never likely happen, anywhere. It is part of the human greed syndrome to hoard and stack the odds. This is most apparent in managers and politicians. Politicians make the rules, and given that politicians are known to bow to managers wishes (and handouts). Go figure.

Well, I see that you *do* understand the concept of original sin after all!


Resources are only indirectly related to wealth. If you own them you are rich, but they belong to everybody.

Marxism. No thanks. Millions have been killed on the alter of Marxism in the last century. Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" among other things that show us that He was okay with the concept of rich vs poor. "The poor you shall have with you always..."


Resources are water, air, energy, and food.

Well, you've progressed only slightly from when it was Earth, Wind and Fire...

I'm certainly thankful this morning that you do not define what the real resuources are around this planet.


The water wars have not yet begun, but it is only a matter of time before nations start waging wars over water.


But even more preposterous is that hidden in that statement, as is always the case, is the assumption that war -- for whatever reason -- must be a bad thing. I'm not able to make such blanket decisions on the subject. But I am a thinking man, at least I try to be.


It will probably start in the middle east as usual. Air is sill being polluted at an alarming level, although those lucky enough to be living in rural areas won't see it directly. You will notice however that some insects just disappear. When the bees are gone we better be up to speed on pollination or else we don't eat. Energy must be regulated in some form. Just take the Enron case. Greedy managers, corrupt politicians. The oil wars are in full swing, but that is a shortsighted approach, and not a win win situation. Case in point Irak. In 20 years time, if Israel hasn't nuked the Middle East in the meantime, Irak will be back where Iran (formally US ally Persia) is now.
Food is also becoming a problem. Most countries in Europe cannot support their citizens, and the food industry has the lowest markup of any modern industry. Someone mentioned in an earlier post that the Pharma Industry had a low ROE, the Return on Investment in the drugs industry is one of the highest, only beaten by the finance and energy industries. If there isn't a malady to be treated they will invent one. The food industry is at the bottom, propped up by useless subsidiaries and hamstrung by incompetent politicians. Monsanto is trying to patent the world's seedstock by promising better crops with their genetically manipulated seeds, and they are making good headway, even though they don't work.

Ah, the same old mantra again. "Its-the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it!™"


The mainstay of those who would try to become the ruling class remains constant.

This one goes hand in hand with the Marxist mantra that "everything belongs to everybody" -- which in reality actually means that the one saying that has not and intends to STEAL it from whoever does have it through the same old dark methodology of demonization, domination and hiding behind pie-in-the-sky utopian fantasies.


There are a lot of questions which need to be asked, unfortunately an OT forum is nto going to change the world, mind you it is said that the flap of a butterfly's wing in Amazona could release a tornado in Missouri, who knows...

Holy crap you're getting worse by the second.

And ignorance is the one thing in this universe that may truly be infinite...


BTW - the banking industry bankrupted itself single handed with dud investments and who knows what else. Governments of the G8 have poured hundreds of billions of dollars and euros into them without blinking an eye to support them. These banks are now making billions profit again, and are handing out billions in bonuses for the time they lost billions. And you are heartrending as to whether to increase the entitlements of people who have worked all their lives. There is something seriously wrong with our system don't you think.

Well then, a people without need for the concept that we are all born in sin and that we need a Saviour does indeed make for a sorry situation every time, doesn't it?

But that alone answers your first question.

Thanks for playing.

Don't get angry, instead take the time to THINK IT THROUGH.
