
ps..heres what i love.
as you asked pat.
1. my dear wife. who has put up with my creative music madness.
god bless her. plus my dear mum of 92 yrs of age.
and whats left of my family in the uk.
2. makeing songs and singing. either on my own or with other nice folks via collabs.
3. aston martin and porsche cars..
tho i'll never be able to afford either. lol.
4. happiness and peace.

thanks for your wonderful response! It made my day!
There is so much in this world to love, and it can easily fill the same internal void that might otherwise be filled with other, less productive emotions

What seems to be an empty glass is actually full of air. But if you fill it with beverage, the air is forced out of the glass. So it is with the heart.