Originally Posted By: rayc
A terrific song and performances by you.
I think the two "jazz" elements get in the way of the song's vibe. They are excellent things but seem to have little or no relationship with the slower, gently rolling melody and backing.
I can see the point of a shock solo - like Jimmy Page's flurry in Joe Cocker's version Bye Bye Blackbird...it divides the song into two parts and has significant shock value one of the solos in this excellent song could've done that but there recur and the shock value is lost.
Thanks for listening rayc, and thanks for the feedback.

Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
I really liked this, I don't know what to compare it to, but it was quality through and through. Story was excellent, vocals good and the music interesting. The melody was superb. Another great effort from you!

As far as the guitar soloist, did you try RTs 1462, 1463 or 1464? They are waltz tracks and swing groove, more suited to your piece. The bpm is too fast, but you could experiment with that. Like Torrey says, sometimes half-time works, sometimes not. RT 1453 doesn't really work to my ears, but it wasn't horrible.
So glad you liked this, and I appreciate your comments. Mighty glad it wasn't horrible...

Win-11; BiaB-2024-latest Beta;
Cakewalk; Melodyne-5; Scaler 2; NI Komplete:
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20