I think not, the cloning of hard drives is done to replace only the hard drive. If you change your pc or specifically motherboard and cpu it is very sure that it will not work and you will have to do a clean installation. Each computer or motherboard has a unique physical MAC address and I think that makes it impossible.

" MAC addresses are made up of 48 bits, usually represented by hexadecimal digits. Since each hexadecimal is equivalent to four binaries (48:4=12), the address ends up being made up of 12 digits grouped in six pairs, usually separated by a colon, although there may also be a hyphen or nothing at all. Thus, an example of a MAC address could be 00:1e:c2:9e:28:6b.

These digits are not random. Three of the six MAC address pairs identify the manufacturer, and the other half identify the device model. For example, the numbers 00:1e:c2 in the address example always belong to the manufacturer Apple Inc, while the last six determine the device model.

If you are curious, you can find specialized search engines to find out the manufacturer of a device depending on the first six digits of its MAC."

Also tell you that if you like to ride and disassembling things, assembling a pc does not require much knowledge as before and you can save or invest more money in it. Surely many of us here could help you if you took the step to build it.
All the best

To the one who gets up early, nobody makes him breakfast.