I've now tried this out and tried everything. I don't get it. I have a brand new quad core system with 8GBs RAM. I have a fast Firewire interface. There's no way that IM with effects is straining my system. There's something else wrong here.

With my last, computer - a wheezing old Compaq - I used WDM drivers in Sonar and a mere 1GB or RAM. With that, I got decent latency and had no problems running multiple VST effects when IMing. That was with multiple tracks, synths, and effects running.

Now, with my new system, I can't use ASIO in RealBand with the IM effects monitoring. It won't even work when I'm just playing back tracks with no effects loaded in the mix.

There is something wrong and I don't think it's my "system being overloaded." That just can't be. If my computer is being overloaded, then how does anyone get this to work?