yeh ive seen many complaints by mp owners bout component failures.
nothing i can complain about.
here in canada the mp is one heck of a deal cos one gets a nice long warranty
i seem to remember. cos of some hook up tween art n yorkville for service.
i just often wonder why on many forums the mp gets no love.
i mean i just brought it outta the gear closet the other day ,
n i just dont hear a huge diff compared to when i used
uber mics into a uber big studio console.
interestingly enough people seem to rave with praise for the mpa gold
mic pre also from the same art company. but of course its
a few hundred buks.

i totally agree bout the vtb1 btw.
i heard a shoot out of it awhile back compared to some really expensive pre's
recording a great singer n it sounded great. more than held its own imho.

retired puter engr....powertracks on amd......NICE !
"what is the black art of audio engineering ?"
my silly
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