Thanks Notes, I'm not trying to launch the debate, but provide, like you 'insights' into how it works here. My 2nd eldest son worked for 3 years at the provincial head office for CancerCare. Here the feds kick the cash, the provinces spend it according to guidelines.

The regional system didn't seem logical to me until I got into it. I counted my team yesterday, 32 and growing. And they stop me in the hall, I've been there 5 times, twice to get things started, and now every week day for 7 weeks plus a followup week.

It's a contrast, in many ways. Not trying to do the right and wrong, but show how it works here. Or doesn't I'd be all over that. The only complaint so far is the docs want control, and I'm a control freak. I've explained they have to speak plain language, and communicate, not leave me to speculate.

And if you hear, between the lines, panic, despair, why me, what next, well that's all there in this process. And the group here has been fantastic, my other groups, my facebook friends, family, all of them too.

I really appreciate my Masonic friends, the 5 or 6 main groups all have experienced people who know how to call, how long to talk, and then report back, if you want visitors, you get them, if you want phone calls you get them, and if you want nothing you can get that too. Very understanding those lads. I counted heavily on my sick committees when I was in charge.

I was warned about voice changes yesterday. That freaked me out. He put his hand on my shoulder and told me he's in charge of the aim of the radiation, and his prudence and experience would help him do his best to ensure my voice is back to normal after. I guess he saw the fear. I have a new voice, totally to do with the Bose, it was always there, but the Audix mic and Bose just rounded out the basso profundo I hid for so many years, though it, like all my instruments needs work.

I got the AKAI 4000s EWI, and am going to have fun, the trumpet fingering is dropping the learning curve, until my mouth and throat are too sore to blow the thing for a month or so.

Thanks for the encouragement, I've always looked up to you and your success as a barometer of how far Band in a Box and talent can take a 'group'.

John Conley
Musica est vita