
The answer is to go completely socialized and get rid of the insurance companies. After all, almost half of the money we pay for care goes to the insurance companies, and they do nothing but shuffle paper around. The insurance companies never cured anyone. But they make billions and billions and billions of dollars, skimming it off of what we pay for health care.

Bingo. That and the lawsuit-thing the doctors (read: patients) have to pay. We also had a change in health care recently, involving more involvement of the insurance companies. In just three years the medical costs skyrocketed. We now pay a considerable amount of money (mandatory) for healthcare, but when you do have to go to see a doctor, dentist or whatever kind of care you might need: it's there for you. Won't cost you anything. Doesn't matter who you are: you'll get the best medical care available.

I think it is safe to say that John now is the most radiating and shining man in this community
Beautiful nurses, drugs by the kilo and music in the hallway: I'd say John leeds a life of Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll
Good to see you're able and willing to write an elaborate report of your ordeal. Thank you for that, and keep posting them! Hang in there John, I want to see a picture of you shaking hands with Don!
