Originally Posted By: BabuMusic
WOW!! Frolicking's fun. When you started talking about the kids in the park doing those things I thought for sure you were talking about "the way it was" kind of thing. Now I'd expect to see them all texting each other from the next swing set over. Man, this is a rocker. A solid, in-your-face romp through exhilaration. Man, you can write them, Al. What a gem.

Hey There, Marty!\

Well now, aren't you just way too kind! I've been mentally throwing around a "The Way It Was" composition (Not the Barbrara Streisand thing - just some throw-back memories to the late 40s and the 50s). HGowever, it will probably be a little more seruious that this.

Thanks for all the really nice things you said! Best to you ...


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