

Previous to this post, I have read the manual 2+ times, I have watched every video that is available (some twice), I have communicated with no less than four different support technicians over this issue, and finally, I've posted the question here in this forum at least three times that I can remember and received several answers that always did just exactly what I did not want it to do -- I did not want to change the key of the entire song! Thankful I've got my answer? You bet ... ecstatic! But, it has taken me since February to get it.

Russell, you have to be very specific when you describe your problem and most importantly what you're trying to do You never specified that you're a trumpet player, you're trying to transpose a part of the melody track until just recently, yesterday I think. If you see someone trying to answer the question and their answer is not exactly focused on editing the melody track only, it's up to you to clear it up and not let the thread go off in a different direction. And, the idea that you can edit the melody and soloist tracks is clearly in the manual plus, if you were to click on the word "Melody" in the very top of the main window, one of the choices is "transpose the melody". You know you're working on the melody, why wouldn't you have clicked on the melody menu first thing? If you did that but were still confused, fair enough but at least you're asking a question starting with "I'm a trumpet player, I went into the Melody menu and..."
I know this stuff can get confusing and I'm glad you got it sorted out, but this could have been answered with your very first post on the subject if you made it clear what you're trying to do and why.
On another angle, did you specify to the support people that you were only talking about transposing the melody track so you can play your trumpet part and 4 of them couldn't tell you how to go into the Melody menu? If that's true, you have a legitimate complaint to PG.


Okay, I've decided that I owe you an explanation.

Yes, by the time I'd decided to contact support I'd been chatting with them. In my first chat (which according to the tech was also looked at by other techs), they were clear as to my meaning -- to change a selected range of notes by an octave up or down. And did they know that I was a trumpet player -- no because it simply occurred to me that notation is notation and as far as I know, this information isn't dependent upon whether I'm playing piano, trumpet or guitar -- playing trumpet against one set of notation-changing circumstances would not have been any different than if I'd been playing piano -- I simply wanted to know "how-can-I-do-that" and I don't remember anyone ever asking me what type of instrument I was playing (or that it mattered to them). If I'm a musician and I would like to change a selected range of notes, it doesn't occur to me to tell you first, "I'm a trumpet player, oops I'm a piano player, no wait ... I'm a guitar player." And it really didn't matter whether or not I was changing the melody or a solo -- only the manner in which I could go about changing a range of notes -- as the only way I knew how to change individual notes up until that time was using editable notation (which I had been writing about). And, thank-you Peter for your information but in my defense, since the function of highlighting was part of editable notation, it also did not occur to me that I needed to highlight these bars via the chord window (and NOT editable notation) in order that field values default to those bar numbers. Again, the only way I knew of changing notes up until this time was with editable notation and this is where I focused my attention.

On another note, I think it's time for me to address some people about myself ... As I've also mentioned since my first very first post here, I will likely ask many stupid questions and I will likely ask them more than once sometimes. I have explained to many here that I am disabled from military service from a brain and spinal injury. As a result, I forget things very easily. Plain and simple, I forget. I have friends of mine who bought the program for me and they encouraged me to try it (to write for a ensemble that we had talked for years about). For a long time I refused because on some other internet forums I had tried to use I was referred to as, "retarded". I took things like this very seriously and didn't use the internet for a very long time -- actually I stopped playing music for a lot of years and I couldn't even teach. I only started playing again because my wife bought me a trumpet for Christmas and insisted that it would not be sent back -- it took me from Christmas day to February to work up the courage to try. Then, my wife did not want me to play it because I had a heart attack on Feb-12th (my 6th since my discharge). Anyhow, my friends came to my house with their instruments one day and I simply had no choice -- they had set up in my garage and told me if I ever wanted them to come see me again, I'd have to try. In hindsight, that was very kind of them. I love playing music but it's harder for me that it used to be. The longer I work at this the less I seem to remember.

Before my accident I had gone to school in the military and obtained degrees in English and Secondary Education. I had planned to teach some day. I also had the pleasure and memories of playing in the US Army Band and I taught music theory at local elementary and high-schools around base. After my medical discharge, I worked as a draftsman for awhile and then later in IT as a systems analyst -- I couldn't hold those jobs mostly because of memory problems (yes, it was frustrating). So, I have not worked for several years now. I have found since being on this forum that sometimes I had asked a question a week before and that it had been answered already -- I even tried the suggestion and it worked but then somehow forgot that I'd even asked it a week earlier.

So, I apologize if I did not frame my question correctly. Please also understand that a lot of what I type here is typed by my wife -- I need to have her do this sometimes. I'm getting better at this too. But regardless, the questions and answers come from me. I apologize if this question of mine has been asked before (and maybe it has even been answered before). It wasn't my intent to aggravate anyone but I'm guessing that's what has happened. That is partially the reason why I decided to just ask the tech support people (my wife thought I should do that also) because I felt they would know by routine, what questions to ask me to help me find a solution and it's not that I'm losing interest in the programs or this forum -- it's just that I lose patience easily and that is through no fault of any of you here -- it's my problem and I've got to try to work around it. It's getting easier though.

As some of you know, I just returned yesterday from a trip downstate to my nephew's wedding. I managed to play trumpet at his wedding ceremony and at his party after the wedding as well. It went well as far as I can tell and I at least partially have BIAB to thank for that as it's been a great practice aid to me. It's been inspiring for me.

Again, sorry for the mixup.
