Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
I see absolutely nothing “wrong” with keeping your post on the front page long enough for regular members to see it before it drops off. And casual visitors likely only peruse the first page. And if one has been bounced a zillion times it’s still only one line on a screen full of many smile Not much effort required to ignore it.

And regarding a “one thank you fits all”...often thoughtful listeners leave remarks that can be better addressed individually.

The problem IMO resides with folks who drop multiple songs within a week or even a day and then never respond to anything but their own posts. It’s hard to imagine that a post that is bounced multiple times could be more objectionable than folks who repeatedly post and respond ONLY to their own - having no interest in actually participating in what I perceive as a cool community.

And as far as more rules go I’d rather see posters follow the existing stated forum protocols, e.g., include RTs, RDs used, effects, etc.

I agree with Bud & Janice,
Personally I reply to most comments made on my songs. Doing so is polite, it lets a person know that they've offered a good suggestion of a though worthy point was raised.
There're a couple of folk, of late, that post a couple in a week and offer no comments on the work of others. There are folk who are recently very active but posting a couple of songs a week from their past & not so much from their present. There are folk, Like David Snyder, who are looking at ways of posting new songs relatively frequently but without knocking others from the front page before they've had a chance to get a few responses. Strategies for bumping can be painfully obvious and they're often tied in with a tendency to not comment on the songs of others so those folk stick out soon enough. The forum also goes through ebbs & flows, Kenny Rogers style Grammy thematic waves and sudden periods of true excitement for the things being written & posted. I have my periods of whining about people dropping a song for clicks and disappearing but they're often neither frequent fliers nor worth listening to. It takes all kinds on a forum like the User Showcase and the best policing method is for others to be aware of their own actions and mindful of others.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe