I'm not sure whether this is good or bad. Harrison is presently offering their Mixbus DAW with a bunch of plugins and with a huge reduction in price.
Mixbus is based on Ardour and Harrison made many contributions to the latter. However, Harrison were acquired in 2022 by Solid State Logic, who don't list Mixbus on their website, only the rather more expensive Mixbus32C. So maybe Mixbus is going away? I don't know. Either way:
Mixbus V9+9 bundle

Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful.
Kawai MP6, Korg M50, Ui24R, Saffire Pro 40.
AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11; Win8.1: Scarletts
BIAB2022 UltraPAK, Reaper, a bunch of stuff.