I have by installation on an SSD F:/bb and am updating/installing 2024 as I write.

I checked the box to install the audiophile files.

It's taking a very long time to install, as though it's installing everything again from scratch. Have I done this the wrong way, or is this how it works with the audiophile edition. At the present rate, I douibt it will finish today, maybe not even tomorrow. It's been about for hours and I'm <10% done.

Something else I've seen is that a few files, only about four or five so far, report unable to write because the file already exists, but [Retry] procedes as if the write was successful.

Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful.
Kawai MP6, Korg M50, Ui24R, Saffire Pro 40.
AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11; Win8.1: Scarletts
BIAB2022 UltraPAK, Reaper, a bunch of stuff.