
Hey Dan & Joe,
I do use this stuff a lot maybe a couple of factors come in to play:
1. I don't use the program to create recordings. I use it for live
2. There may be an age factor. Don't know. I'm 60 and grew up with tape machines. Cut,copy, paste was not something you did much of as it was a tedious physical process so I still don't do much of that. I use RB more like a real sophisticated tape machine & console. I lay down tracks, add effects & mix.

Not that far behind you in age John. Don't get me wrong there are a few things in RB that are invaluable to me, like generating the realtracks and easy way to convert all to wav.

What I mean by the easy way to mute a section in cubase is just use the scissors tool to do 2 snips on a track and then just use the mute X tool to mute the section in between, that you can unmute easy again. Don't think that easy option is available in RB though probably same thing can be done with a longer workaround.

