LOL! Good for you John. Hey really, I'm with you. I've read and participated in many a debate like this over countless daws. The problem is that I said clunky and buggy. Not a good choice of words. Well actually buggy is ok. I mean, if it doesn't work all the time for me it's buggy, but that doesn't mean the bug isn't on my end somehow in the pc setup. But clunky, I suppose I could have said something different there. Suffice to say RB for me is essencial for taking what I put together in biab, many steps and tracks further. It's indespensible for that. If it worked more like what I'm used to in other daws, I could use it for further editing, mixing, and automation. And if the feature set gets deeper, it would be to my liking and most certainly yours, I would hope. There's no reason not to hope something will get even better, right?

Btw- I drive a Honda Fit. To me, it's my Cadillac. But I haven't wiped out all software except biab and RB. I use all my tools along the way. They all have strenghts. The only thing I prune out is plugins that I just don't need. THEY can get out of hand over time.
