
great comments by all.
The lego bricks made me laugh.

i won't bore you good people with my many tech 'war stories' but ive got many many very comical ones that are hilarious.

Personally, I think the worst thing that ever happened to devs/coders was when ceo's got pc's at work and home. Because the ceos thought they could do activities in just a few clicks…so they thought…
'Why are those techs taking sooo long with the new system'

This is why sometimes it's best just to sit them down for a day and get them involved in seeing what devs do. The best reason to do this is when ceo's order that new system to be done in 3 months (but all the devs know it's gonna take 2 years…lol) so there won't be any craziness. and ridiculous impossible time frames to meet.

frankly my heart goes out to the new generation of techs having to deal with people trying to penetrate an organisation's systems. it's a zoo….
which is one reason why i keep my recording rig off the net.

and let's talk about API's, and other OS 'features to help coders be productive '....
sometimes i wonder what the designers of such were on…lol.
talk about difficult to understand by seasoned and new devs alike.

now i'm gonna go dream about a media creation threadripper workstation that costs 8k with 96
cores that probably would handle any amount of tracks/plugins i might throw at it.

sadly so many musos have to run old clunky pc's that have limited processing power.
so i dont envy pg cos its an incredible challenge meeting many users features needs.
It's a catch 22 for pg. 'between a rock and a hard place'.
For example, someone with a beefy i7/i9/ryzen might be able to easily handle the new feature..
but what about the person just starting out in music production who doesnt realise uncle freds
old cely pc just can't handle the load. it's a no win for pg imho.
which is why ive commented many times bb needs an 'ALERT YOUR PC IS OVDERLOADING' feature...
to cover pg's rear so the user doesnt blame pg.

happiness…me very very happy lad with my new eyesight.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 03/27/24 08:00 AM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)