Ian! I liked this piece. Very good job, man!

I liked the words, music, arrangement. I found NOTHING wrong with it...

only a suggestion for a modification.... right before the last section (verse/chorus combo) I heard another instrument like a guitar picking which seemed to have replaced the piano... I liked that but it was very short. Would like to have heard that instrument a bit longer, as it broke up the continuous piano playing in the mix... possibly even drop out the piano at that point totally and pick it back up again a few bars down.

Steel added a touch of color... Again, I would have brought it in when you did....... let it run a bit, and then faded it totally out --- only to bring it back again towards the end of the song like the last chorus, etc.

Just ideas.......... no fault finding. The piece stand well as it is...... I just always hear things that aren't there...... that could be........... the possibilities are endless......... LOL

Good job, man!